A Personal Approach To Planning for your Future LET'S GET STARTED


What is an Educational Trust?

An educational trust is a kind of irrevocable trust specifically designed to pay for education expenses. There are many variations, but essentially, an educational trust involves the following:

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What is Heirs’ Property?

Heirs’ property is passed down from generation to generation. An individual often gets ownership of property from their ascendants, and when they pass away, their wealth is transferred to their descendants. This is the same way heirs’ property works, but with the addition of other complexities.

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Creating Estate Plan in an Emergency

Preparing a comprehensive estate plan takes time, sometimes weeks or even months. However, as we all know, life sometimes throws us a curve ball and emergencies happen. Perhaps an emergency caused by a physical condition, such as a newly discovered, imminent, and terminal condition, or a highly risky surgery must be undergone. It can also be triggered by external factors, such as unexpected travel plans to an unstable region, a likely militarized conflict, or an environmental disaster. Although it may be tempting to skip certain procedures suggested by your attorney, it is wise to make every effort to follow these protocols in order to ensure that the prepared estate plan is in the proper legal format and carries out the testator’s wishes.

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Should NFTs Be Included in My Estate Plan?

Although NFTs are considered “a new kid on the block,” many experts predict that they will become mainstream and valuable in the future. These credible forecasts are accelerating the popularity of NFTs (NFT sales up 38,000% year-on-year according to DappRadar). The rapidly developing popularity of NFTs is also confirmed by their impressive price tags – for example, Beeple's image collection sold for over $69 million! Some are purchasing NFTs for their own amusement, while others see them as a worthy investment. The question is whether they should be included in one’s estate plan.

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Demystifying Advance Health Care Directive

An Advance Directive for Health Care or “advance directive” is simply a document that gives you the opportunity to describe how your family members should make health care decisions on your behalf should you become incapable of making them yourself.

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5 Common Mistakes Will Drafters Make

You decided that you need a will - great! This is a responsible and important thing to do for your loved ones. However, if you decide to put it together yourself, there are a number of big and small mistakes to watch out for. Here are the top five mistakes a non-lawyer can make when drafting a will:

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Estate Planning Considerations for Parents of Adopted Children

If you are the parent of an adopted child, there are some specific estate planning considerations that you need to keep in mind. Unlike biological children, adopted children may not have a legal right to inherit from their biological parents, but they do have the legal right to inherit from their adopted parents. In this article, we will discuss some of the most important things to keep in mind when creating an estate plan that involves adopted children.

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Considering Donating Your Body to Science? Here’s How.

Donating your body to science is a selfless act that can help researchers learn more about human anatomy and disease. It can also help improve treatments for diseases and conditions. If you are considering donating your body to science, keep reading!

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How to Get Your Affairs in Order: Estate Planning Tips for Busy Parents

No one wants to think about death, but it’s something that we all have to face at some point in our lives. If you’re like most busy parents, you probably don’t have time to sit down and read a long estate planning book. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips for getting your affairs in order. By following these simple steps, you can make sure that your loved ones are taken care of if something happens to you.

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How to Create a Legacy Binder

A Legacy Binder is a compilation of your important personal and financial documents. It can be a lifesaver if something happens to you because it will make it easy for your loved ones to find and manage your estate.

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